
I have been reading about dependent types on and off for almost six months. I have been longing to write about it for someone who knows nothing about it1, and for another reason2.

Familiar language constructs

To me, a language is a functional if function can be treated as a value. A function is a value which means that I can store it in a variable, pass it to another function as argument or return it from another function. So, function is not a special syntax of language but belongs to a set of expressions.

If one thinks about it, it means that a function is an expression which depends on another expression. The another expression is called parameter.

Ex. in Scala

val inc: Int => Int = _ + 1

Ex. in Idris

inc: Int -> Int
inc x = x + 1

Here, inc expecting another expression of type Int and gives an expression of type Int. So, it’s an example of “expression depending on expression”.

If one adds parametric polymorphism into above capability, then one can express an expression which returns an expression of different type, according to provided type.

Ex. in Scala3

def id[A](x: A): A = x

Ex. in Idris

id : a -> a
id x = x

Here, id is expecting an expression of any type and gives an expression of the (given) same type. So, it’s an example of “expression depending on type”.

If one adds a capability to define the generic type, then we can have a language in which a construct can take another type to form a new type.

Ex. in Scala

trait List[A]
case class Cons[A](h: A, t: List[A]) extends List[A]
case object Nil extends List[Nothing]

Ex. in Idris

data List : (elem : Type) -> Type where
  Nil : List elem
  (::) : (h : elem) -> (t : List elem) -> List elem

Here, List is a type constructor which takes a type and build a new type. It’s an example of “type depending on type”. So, List[Int]is type which depends on Int.

These are familiar concepts which we encounter in most mainstream languages. The only combination of “expression” and “type” we haven’t discussed yet is “type depending on expression”. If one thinks about it for a moment, will realize that it’s a bit strange idea. We used to think about the type as a special construct which language provides to avoid some kind of mistakes or to help compiler writers to optimize our code according to types. It is okay to think that an expression depends on the type but other way around? Hmm.. To make this possible, we have to bring down types to the level of expressions so that we can manipulate a type according to some expression.

The world where types are as common as expressions

The phrase “types are as common as expressions” means that I can manipulate type in the same way as I manipulate expressions. So, I can store it in the variable, pass or return them from functions as well as I can form a type which may contain an expression.

Let’s look at example so those words can make more sense. We already have defined a List structure which can hold any number of element of the same type. List[Int] only describes that it has elements of type Int, but it tells us nothing about the length of it. If I want to describe a length in type, I need an ability to define type which depends on expression. In our case, that expression would be of type Nat (for natural number, we don’t want a length in negative) which describes a length of data direct in its type. We already used the name List, so let’s call it Vect. Vect is same as List but Vect has an ability to describe the length of the data in its type.

Ex. in Idris

data Nat = Z | S Nat

data Vect : (n : Nat) -> (elem : Type) -> Type where
  Nil : Vect Z elem
  (::) : (h : elem) -> (t : Vect n elem) -> Vect (S n) elem

Observe the different between the type of List and Vect. List is Type -> Type where as Vect is Nat -> Type -> Type. So, Vect needs an expression as its first argument and type as its second argument and builds a type.

A Type depends on an expression is called a dependent type.4

Even if our language provides such ability, what is it good for us? First thing come to my mind, is that we can describe our intention of the program in the type (directly) as much as possible. A plus point of that would be that compiler will help us to check whether our definition matches our intention. An example of that would make more sense.

If one is familiar with functional language, then I can bet he will also be familiar with map function. Let’s define map on List.

map : (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
map f [] = []
map f (x :: xs) = f x :: map f xs

Idris> map (+ 1) [1,2,3]
[2, 3, 4] : List Integer

Above code snippet will work as expected as expected, but if someone defines the map as shown in following code snippet, compiler wouldn’t be able to help us at compile time.

map : (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
map f xs = []

Idris> map (+ 1) [1,2,3]
[] : List Integer

Above code snippet is type correct, but it doesn’t match our intention and compiler can’t help us because we haven’t described our intention in the type of the map. Let’s try to define map on Vect type.

map : (a -> b) -> Vect n a -> Vect n b
map f [] = []
map f (x :: xs) = f x :: map f xs

Idris> map (+ 1) [1,2,3]
[2, 3, 4] : Vect 3 Integer

Notice, the type of [2, 3, 4] is Vect 3 Integer, where 3 is total elements and Integer is type of elements. In above snippet, type of map is (a -> b) -> Vect n a -> Vect n b which means compiler knows that the length of returned vector should be same n as input vector’s. So, it won’t allow us to make similar mistake we did in List’s map above.

map : (a -> b) -> Vect n a -> Vect n b
map f xs = []

6 | map f xs = []
  |            ~~
When checking right hand side of map with expected type
        Vect n b

Type mismatch between
        Vect 0 b (Type of [])
        Vect n b (Expected type)

        Type mismatch between

Idris will let us to know that our intention is to return a vector with n elements but we are returning a vector with 0 elements. Expected type is Vect n b but type of [] is Vect 0 b and it won’t compile. In short, compiler won’t even let us define a foolish definition of a program if it knows more about types (or in another words, about our intentions).


This was only the tip of the iceberg. There is much more interesting and mind expanding things about the dependent types but the title of this post says “a peek at” for a reason. Those things will may be in another post.

  1. I assume, one is familiar to typed functional language. 

  2. I want to know how much I understood after all the attempts. 

  3. def is special construct to define method. It isn’t a value but bear with me for the sake of demonstration. 

  4. Well, that was as easy as eating a Π… isn’t?